Tuesday, January 3, 2017

My #OneWord2017

I don’t recall if I chose #ONEWORD2016, but when so many of my PLN friends began posting their #ONEWORD2017 this past week, I could not hold back. Here they were, right in front of me. For example; @lmstump - BOLD, @awelcome - SUFFER, @bethhill2829- CHAMPION, @kasnelson - JOY, @PrincipalTallen- BE, @jkloczko - JOY and @tsschmidty - IGNITE. My choices were astronomical...Advocate. Supporter. Champion. Proponent. Fighter. Crusader. Coach. Mentor. Decisions, decisions, decisions. So many words, so little time. I could go on and on, as I reap so much knowledge, spirit, enthusiasm, joy, encouragement and positivity from my #twitter, #voxer, #linkedin and #facebook friends. But what would it be?
My choice was simple. I am an ADVOCATE. I will fight, support, crusade and be a champion for all.
Being raised by two supportive and ADVOCATING parents in Davis, CA gave me the foresight and drive to ADVOCATE for others. I was always encouraged to do my best and thrive on my own. I was not forced, pushed or shoved into things. My parents would stick up for me, teach me and give me the tools to fly, and yes, even fight for me if necessary. They fostered dozens of youth, volunteered for Cub Scouts, swim team, Indian Guides, church activities...wherever I needed them, they would show up and ADVOCATE.
Image result for advocateSo, by default, this became my passion, my drive, my focus. No matter who you are, I will ADVOCATE for you. Why? Because it is the right thing to do. We need to be more selfless in the world, there are enough selfish and self centered people. Let’s push for the underdog, support the quiet ones, go the distance for the kid that has no chance. Let’s all do a bit of ADVOCATING and see what happens. But, who do we ADVOCATE for? Well, let’s hold on and see.
They need us. They trust us. They count on us. They believe in us. So, when they need a hot meal, a ride home, a warm coat, a pair of shoes, a fighter in their corner, a hug, a smile, a kind word, an ear to listen, a protective voice, a believer, then I will be there...always...anytime...day...or night. This is our future, our gift, our own flesh and blood. I will ADVOCATE for them, then and now. #kidsfirst #kidsdeserveIt

Image result for childrenSix months young, or ninety years old. A student wants to learn, needs to learn, yearns to learn and has a desire to grow. Why not support them and watch them bloom? I will ADVOCATE for them. Whatever the setting; school, cooking, prison, custodian, mechanic, heavy equipment operator, technical, you name it. If within someone is a light, then I will hold the flame, the match and protect the candle from blowing out.
Friends and Family
Here it is. I said it. Our blood. Our hearts. Our default. Our go to. Our souls. The brick and mortar of our existence. Friends and family are the group that I would take a bullet for. Speak up, lay down, dive in, risk it all. This is what keeps me whole and moving forward. Who cares how much money or “things” we have..our friends and family show our character, our true worth, our value to others. I will ADVOCATE and lay down in front of a train for you.
Probably the most forgotten, but yet, it could be the most important group. When is the last time you stuck up for a stranger who was being beaten, attacked, bullied, put down, made fun of, taken advantage of and basically, not loved? Me? I can honestly say over the holidays I ADVOCATED for a women in need, someone I did not know. Friends, I am asking you, no, I”m begging you to join me. Help, protect, interfere, support, give, behold, stand by and ADVOCATE for others, it will come back to you in a good way.

So, now you know my #ONEWORD2017 and I ask that you help me live up to it. 24/7. No doubt. No questions asked.
Please. Join me and let’s make the world a better place.

Peace my friends!


  1. Jeff. This is phenomenal. Thank you for your openness and spirit!

    I believe there is a tipping point for the planet when enough people are in action selflessly just as you have been. At this point the world is transformed into a place of non-judgement and full self-expression for our kids, families, and strangers alike.

    It doesn't take everyone to cause the tip, it just takes enough of us. I'm your partner in this endeavor, and my one word is POSSIBILITY.

  2. Thank you for sharing yourself with our community with such grace and heart. Our children and families are in good hands. My one word is HOPEFUL
